Water is life

Pollution from outfalls

The River Roding has many outfalls and sometimes these pollute the river. We regularly report ones we see and so can you. Some seem to be a misconnection, grey water/excessive foam/solids (including paper/wipes) are all signs. You can report incidents like this, on any of our waterways immediately to the Environment Agency incident hotline: 0800 80 70 60 (24-hour service). If you do not know the location, use the closest postcode you can think of/can get on your phone, then you and the operator can track the location from there or use the app what3words (https://what3words.com/).

Call the Environment Agency incident hotline to report:

• Damage or danger to the natural environment
• Pollution to water or land
• Poaching or illegal fishing
• Dead fish or fish gasping for air
• Main rivers blocked by a vehicle or fallen tree causing risk of flooding
• Flooding from any river, stream, canal, natural spring or the sea
• Illegal removals from watercourses
• Unusual changes in river flow
• Collapsed or badly damaged river or canal banks